Performance Lifestyle - healthy energetic high achieving living
We all know that eating has become a comforter for many of us. Food is promoted to us in a way that we see it as a fix all a pleasing and exciting life event. Eating is not an emotional fix we are not to use food to emotionally bring us out of a slump the food industry would like for us to rely on there products in that manner it keeps there profits high.
Eating is a fueling process and if we decide to share that time with family great however for the wellbeing of our family and loved ones it should always be just that a fueling process. The fuel that we choose should be the proper fuel. Doritos are not a fuel in my opinion and many others who have removed the Marketing Propaganda equation, know that it is not a food. Fuel yourself up wisely educate yourself properly.
It is very important for your overall wellbeing that you realize that food is either cleansing or clogging. Food is fuel it either is high octane or sludge. Be in the know educate yourself on what is nutrient rich.
Another avenue to enhancing your entire life is a complete makeover learn what should be and unlearn what the marketing industry has taught us. This is a great resource that will transform many of us into high performing superstars or at least get us on the right track. You will take it as far as you need to for your life superstar or on track in tune living.
Make your life flow live in the moment experience higher levels of love wealth and health. It is all right here.
Reeducate yourself get the Marketing Firms out of your mind - What is real food?
Your beliefs about nutrition have more than likely been form by a marketing firm and a company selling you a product.
Through out the years you have and still are exposed to marketing efforts that are designed to entice you to buy a product.
What is a product?
Directly from Wikidedia, In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need (Kotler et al., 2006). When used as a business term, a "product" can be either a physical, tangible good (such as a book) or a service (like a haircut).
For just 1 moment think about what you buy on regular bases that you consider food.
In most case it is something that you are familiar and comfortable with. That belief has in most cases been form by marketing efforts of a company or group that has an agenda to sell you their product.
Soft drinks
The list goes on, for just a moment think about what real nutrition is. Is it a bagel, muffin, class of milk, fruit juice, yogurt.
Do you really know for sure what really nutrition is or do you base your decisions on what has been marketed to you? Try to be as honest and unbiased as you can with that question. It will help you to know where you are really at with your nutrition knowledge.
McDonald's marketed a product to us. They researched and developed their product, the way the fries taste and smelled while cooking and the way that they presented the product through grouping it and up selling it at the time of ordering.
McDonalds marketed to our children not just us. Now we are approached by a source that they enlisted to assist in selling a product to us. This source is near and dear to us our children and we all know how persistent our children can be. Was that ever a highly effective marketing move on there parts. WOW
Company’s spend Billions on there PRODUCTS marketing them.
So just keep in mind that you have been educated to believe what you believe to be food at this point. So it is time top reeducate you. You will want to learn the truth from a qualified individual that has your interests in mind, stop learning from the marketing firms and product pushers.
Live a life that is fun, energy filled and full of true self worth.
Be at your perfect weight and get there with ease unlearn your non-serving limiting beliefs and get there with ease. Reeducate yourself and birth a new you. Weight loss is important however diets tend to be temporary fixes and with a diet are you really losing the proper weight.
Don’t be fooled be all the weight loss claims and fades. It is really simple to reeducate your self and have great results with natural weight loss.
Learn the truth change your beliefs and naturally loss the fat not the muscle. Natural weight loss is true weight loss and it tends to be a long term life changing event.
There is a FREE NEWSLETTER that will change you forever.
Let’s get you the truth so that your life can be energetic full of healthy life living fun.
High Performing Lifestyle!Fitness and weight loss are your secret ingredients to a fountain of youth!
As the title states it is fitness and weight loss. I know some of you are already physically fit and/or at your perfect weight.
Let me explain my position on this and you will agree that these are the magic components to staying fit, sexy, young, fun and full of life.
It is safe to state that all the education that you will acquire from studying and applying these 2 areas of focuses will provide you with all the tools that are needed to allow your mind and body to perform at peek levels of efficiency.
We are given many opportunities in our life to make the change that we desire or simply to learn more about what we already are in the process of making part of our lifestyles.
Here is a great place to start or add to you education level.
I have always been able to capture treasures of information from most of the information that I have acquired.
By now you are ready to either add to your wealth of knowledge. Or by now your ready to make the rest of your life the master piece that you deserve. It is a simple process of starting now.
Do you have a special tip that works mentally or physically for you?
Fit, Sexy, Healthy, Fun And Full Of Life
Free Newsletter Slim Fit Healthy
Get plugged in and keep or get that sexy youthful fun energy back in your life. Feel young and stay young with sex appeal.
It is fun and easier than you might think.
You will get a wealth of knowledge from this resource. Highly recommended!